Archive for September, 2010

Effects of Technology

                                                                                                                                                                                                                  No one can actually go back in time and tell the exact date technology came into effect; there is no history of when technology began. As far as one is concerned, technology has always existed, depending of the time frame the person lived. Cave men striking two rocks to ignite fire for the very first time can be considered a form of technology because it made life a little easier for them. According to Webster’s Dictionary, technology is the practical application of knowledge especially in a particular area. Ever since modern technology came into existence, there has been positive, negative effects as a result.

          The use of technology has some positive effects. Technology has automated many of the critical processes in the industry as well the household. The electronic gadgets that have entered the homes of the common man have saved him from the daily household work. The automobile industry and technology are almost interwoven. Times have witnessed this industry evolve from mechanical scooters to automated aircrafts. Animals were the only modes of transport in the olden days. Technology was the driving force behind the creation and design of the modern-day automobiles. Bicycles evolved into scooters and sports bikes. The idea of having four-wheeled modes of transport gave rise to the creation of cars. Modes of air and water transport came up, thanks to technology. Machines have automated many of the crucial industrial processes. Machines are now taking up many of the mundane jobs that were once executed by human workers. Technology has evolved to an extent where machines can perform tasks that are physically inaccessible to man. The use of advanced technologies like robotics and artificial intelligence has proved helpful in life-risking tasks like mining and space exploration. The computer technology, needless to say, has changed the face of the world.

          Computers can store, organize and manage huge amounts of data. They can process large amounts of information. Computers have given rise to the software industry, one of the most progressive industries of the world. The Internet that seeded from the computer networking concepts is the most effective communication platform and the largest information base existing today. The Internet has brought an important positive change to the entertainment and advertising industry. Advertisements can reach the masses within seconds over the Internet. The entertainment media has progressed only because of the advancements in technology. Cellular communication has revolutionized the communication industry. The conventional telephone, also a piece of technology, was one of the earliest technological developments in communication. Mobile phones have broadened the horizons of communication by enabling convenient long-distance calling. Satellite communication is another important dimension of technology. Satellite TVs and satellite radios have eased the broadcasting of events across the globe.

          While technologies have their advantages there is a negative effect to all this technology as well. Since the industrial revolution, society has become more and more dependent on technology. So much so that people sometimes lack the willingness to think before they act. Some individuals become impatient if it takes more than a few seconds to download a copy of the morning news paper. Others expect immediate responses to their email, and expect someone to answer their cell phone whenever and wherever they call. The invention of the television has brought all forms of entertainment into homes, with video and audio combined. Before 1950, newspapers and radio were the only ways to bring media or entertainment into the house. Mass production and other job opportunities brought many people from the rural areas and farms into the city. Society is more reliant on technology than ever before. Technology is making society so bust that people cannot even find time to spend with their dear ones. It would be surprising to know that people are in contact through chat and online messaging though they are in same city. Due to the fact that they think it is faster and effective, but they are forgetting that meeting personally can never replace online chatting.

          As society becomes more knowledgeable, technological advancements will be more evident and even more complicated. One has no idea what scientists and engineers might create in the near future but their goal will be to make the world much easier to live in. Their creations might be of great help to society and others might bring great unproductiveness. However, technology will always be needed and will be up to individuals to make use of it as they wish.


          Happiness is a mood that many find difficult to understand. Everyone has their own definition of the word but happiness is an “emotion we experience when in a state of well being” (Frias). A smile can easily be perceived as someone being happy. Laughter can also be described as someone expressing himself in a state of happiness. Happiness, however, goes beyond physical  appearances and mainly has a lot to do with the emotions of oneself. According to Destiny Trenino, “to be content with your life not just financially wise, but in deeper sense such as family and love” is what makes one happy. Happiness is a feelng of contentment, self establishment and success. Happiness is “to be able to wake up everyday with a positive outlook on life” (Trenino).

          A pessimistic individual can never be happy in life. He will always have thoughts of negativity and failure even when a situation is at its best. According to Jessica Gutierrez, happiness is “to be consumed with positivity, without negativity.” Optimism is very helpful when it comes to the issue of happiness. Most often, many believe happiness can be afforded because of wealth, but that is not the case. Happiness is “being content and having feelings of joy. A feeling that is defined by a good state of mind and an up beat approach to the world around us” (Yanez). If one lives in a nice house, drives a nice car and lices flambouyantly, society automatically believes the person is happy. Happiness; however, does not come from tangible resources; happiness comes from within. Yes, driving a nice car can put a smile on one’s fave. Yes, living in a multi-million house can put a smile on one’s face. Yes, living a lavish life can make one happy, but it is temporary happiness.

Works Cited

Frias, Bernardo Pursuit of Happiness. Irving: Northlake Community College, 2010. Print

Gutierrez, Jesenia. Journey of Joy. Irving: Northlake Community College, 2010. Print

Trenino, Destiny. The Purpose of Life. Irving: Northlake Community College, 2010. Print

Yanez, Alicia. Joy for Life. Irving: Northlake Community College, 2010. Print

Brazil’s First Female President

                                                                                                               In a recent election in Brazil, he country elected their very first female president. Latin America is no stranger to female presidents but Brazil has never had a female leader. Dilma Rousseff was the former chief of staff for the former Brazilian president, Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva. Due to her position in the former government, Rousseff was mostly worked behind the scene. Forbidden by the law to run fo a third term, former President Lula encouraged Rousseff to ran for the presidency. The race to becoming a president was not easy for Rousseff. Earlier in the campaign, she was being treated for lymphoma. Also due to the fact that she was a female running for presidency in a country that is dominated with male politicians, she was underrated. Despite her mishappenings in the presidential race, Roussef overcame all the obstacles and is now the first president of Brazil.

          During the previous elections, the United States came closer to having a female president than any other presidential campaigns. Hillary Clinton, wife to the former President Bill Clinton ran for nominee of the democratic  party but unfortunately won the race to Barrack Obama. Its surprising how close she actually came to being called the president of the United States of America. Will America ever be ready for a female president? Maybe not any time soon but eventually, the country might be led by a female. Brazil is the wealthiest country in Latin America and the United States in one of the wealthiest countries in the world. Rousseff’s responsibilty of upholding Brazil’s reputation might be great, but she just might do her job very well. As for the United States, we will not know if a female can uphold the country’s reputation until a female is actually elected president.



Loss of A Loved one







Poor Health care



Scratch Outline

Effects of losing a loved one
– Causes one to appreciate the people they have
– Makes one very careful and hopeful for the best since the unexpected is always bound to happen
– Makes one stronger
Dad’s tragic death
– Created a major shock in the family
– Affected mom the most since dad was always the main provider
– Reveals, to an extent, the poor level of healthcare in Africa
How the loss of father affected me
– Now I do not have a father figure, all I have is mum
– All responsibilities are now geared towards mother
– The death has brought the family closer and made us stronger

Something I Have Experienced

The thought of losing a loved one may seem to be an issue one could think the least about until the unexpected happens. It was a hot African summer, usually; my siblings and I take summer classes because my father was strict when it came to education, but not this specific summer. During the summer of 2002, my father decided to drop us off at my aunt’s house since he had to travel and mother was already abroad. At first, I thought it was unusual because father never made such decisions but I pushed the thought under the rug and became very happy to spend the summer with my aunt. The following week, father dropped us off at a town where my aunt lived, said his goodbye, and that was the last time I saw my father alive.
I remember calling my dad on his phone the day he told us he will arrive in the country and he never answered. Then I began to get worried, but yet again my thought was that “it’s dad, nothing can happen to him”, and threw the thought away. Upon returning home, I saw mum, and my father’s family all dressed in black, the color worn in Africa to represent mourning. I ignored that fact and was so excited to see mum. Then, an uncle called us into the guest room because he said he wanted to tell us something. That’s when it hit me that the event I did not expect the most, has finally happened to me. My uncle told us father died during his trip. At first, I was in denial and stayed in denial for a long time until I really did not see dad. When events like a loss occurs, it affects the way one views life and can change an individual completely. Till this day, I get scared when it comes to the idea of me or anyone in my family traveling. I’m aware death can meet someone anywhere and at anytime but for some reason traveling scares me the most.